Sunday 21 August 2011

GTA V : Facial Tech , Cast

Well we all know GTA V is looming , its appeared on a few stores websites recently GAME's and it just seems the right time in terms of development for GTA V to be in the pipeline. Now after playing LA Noire and been amazed by the facial tech they used to bring people too life in the game it got me thinking, will they use the same tech for GTA. It would fit in great in GTA and I dont see how Rockstar can go back to the fish mouthed facial animations of past games.

Then I got thinking about who I'd cast as characters, I'm not sure how many actors would take to having their brains blasted out or being dry humped by a prostitute in-game but here we go.

Here's my cast for GTA:V:

Robert De Niro

Although I dont think De Niro would work as a main protaganist, he could do countless roles a Mafia Boss maybe or the head the local police department or FIB. (Yes its FIB in the GTA world)

Jenna Jameson

Jenna has been associated with GTA before she voiced Candy Suxxx in GTA: Vice City , So I thought it would be only right if she reprised her role as Candy in GTA: V. Plus there's been trend starting lately of Pornstars in video games and music videos ect.

Samuel L Jackson

Samuel's another actor who already has connections to GTA he voiced officer Tenpenny in GTA: San Andreas, He could play the role of an officer again or maybe a matured gangster.

Don "Magic" Juan

Rockstar like to throw a few crazy/funny characters into their games and there's no crazier than this guy!

Al Pacino

It couldn't be a crime/action game without Al Pacino. Another great actor who could have countless roles in the GTA universe a casino boss maybe or a Mafia head.

Danny Trejo 

Danny Trejo voiced a Cuban warlord in Vice City, I think he'd work well as an Antagonist in GTA:V. 

These are just a few actors that I would like to see in GTA :V my list is endless I may add a few others soon but for now this should do. I really do hope Rockstar decide to use the facial tech , The techs just there waiting to be used and the past shows they have the have the capability a pulling in some big names to act in the game. 

Feel free to comment below who you would cast in GTA:V and why.

By the way this is my first blog post so I'd appreciate some feedback be it good or bad. =D


Be sure to follow me on Twitter @UnderDogGaming